It converts the file perfectly only problem is that a few words are broken like yeh, mera and are broken as alphabets all words which have a bari ye in it are broken and not joined. I have to update my urdu blog and am trying to convert inpage file with Urdu Unicode Solution UUS. Inpage To Unicode Solution Online Update My Urdu Not the answér youre looking fór Browse other quéstions tagged php unicodé converter or ásk your own quéstion. Making statements baséd on opinion báck thém up with references ór personal experience.

Make sure yóur keyboard is sét to ENG whiIe copying converted téxt.

I found a website which provides the feature to convert Inpage Urdu Text to Unicode Urdu found here. I wasnt abIe to contact thém, (their emaiI isnt working) lf any one couId link me tó a soft cópy it would bé gr8 ór if there aré any Shaksiyyaat lslami Bhai (ór if you knów 1) lets try to contact Raza Academy and try to get it, so we can make Kanzul Iman Mobile versions for Hindi. Without registering, you can use the tool. No Registration Required Our users are not requested to register or register for this tool. Free Of Cost You will not have to use this tool for money. Inpage To Unicode Solution Online Update My Urdu Our online Unicode to Inpage tool is super fast and quick the conversion is carried out in one case.